Viburnum, Missouri
history Commerce Attractions Contacts

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Viburnum, Missouri is an attractive town nestled in the middle of the Mark Twain National Forest of the Ozark Mountains.

Viburnum.net is a website hosted by VEDAC.
We wish to provide resource and reference material needed by the community of the Viburnum area, local business, potential businesses, and interested visitors.

The Viburnum Area's rich History
Local and Potential Commercial Ventures
Area Attractions, Events, Community Groups
Contact information to local people

Viburnum a community of people that stick together has a deep sense of community pride.

When most people hear the word "viburnum," they think of the white-flowering honeysuckle found in lawns and gardens from Missouri to Montana. Another handful of people unfamiliar with the hearty shrub might just instead try looking the word up. A good dictionary sets it clear: "viburnum" comes from the Latin word meaning "the wayfaring tree."

It's a fitting definition, because it works as a metaphor for its southeastern Missouri village namesake. In the course of planning for the future, leaders in Viburnum, Missouri cultivate community assets. With a carefully planted seed and patient tending, their Wayfaring Tree grows. Someday wayfarers far and wide will look to Viburnum as an important landmark in the course of their journey - tourist destination, a good place to stop. Still others will take root - place for family, a place to retire.

Related Websites:
Viburnum City Codes



This website is made possible by the contributions ofSteelville Telephone Exchange
and the designs ofAndy Roscoe. Contact VEDAC office at vedac@misn.com